The Collie River Valley Bulletin is a locally owned and run weekly newspaper providing news and local events to the Collie community.

With decades of experience, the Bulletin team works hard to bring you the latest news and stories each week.



Martin Kovacs

Managing Editor

Martin has a background in print and digital media, having worked as a journalist for trade and business-focused publications over a number of years.

This includes the better part of 15 years as a freelance journalist, covering sectors including the consumer and business technology, energy, water and small business sectors.

Since moving to Collie and taking on the managing editor role at the Bulletin, Martin has enjoyed reporting on the issues that matter to the Collie community and learning more about the town.

Megan Creemers

Office Manager / Layout Design

Megan worked for four years at the Collie Mail, using her graphic design qualifications to design and set advertisements.

She left the Mail to start a family but is excited to have the opportunity to use her creative muscles again at the Collie River Valley Bulletin.

Kym Saunders


Kym originally worked for the Collie Mail from 2005 – 2011, doing a variety of jobs including ad and page layout, and working with many of the people who are now staff at the Bulletin. She joined the Bulletin team in 2021 to put her experience with page layout to good use before transferring to the job of advertising consultant.  She’s enjoying the challenge, is pleased to have an opportunity to get to know the local community better, and is delighted to be working with her former colleagues.

Michelle Loxton


Michelle began her career at the Collie Mail newspaper as a cadet journalist in 2008, and graduated as a senior journalist in 2011.

Michelle has written articles for various online platforms, and blogs,and took the leap into television reporting in 2019 for WIN’s All Australian News. Michelle also handles marketing and media communications for the Collie Community Bank.

In her spare time, Michelle enjoys creative writing, reading and spending time with her husband, Brett, and two young children.



